Wampanoag Ways
Aquinnah (formerly known as Gay Head): The shore or end of the island
Capawack: The separate people
Kehtashimet (Lake Tashmoo in Vineyard Haven): Place of a great spring
Kuppiauk (Area of Tisbury Great Pond): Heavily-wooded expanse of land
Kuppiegon (Cape Higgon): A good enclosure for shelter/thicket
Manitouwatootan (Christiantown): God's town
Mashatanauke (in the vicinity of Old South Road): Big town (main settlement)
Massapootoeauke (near Quansoo): Land of great blowing (whales)
Msquepunauket (Squibnocket): At the place of the red cliff or bank
Nashaquitsa (between Menemsha and Squibnocket Ponds): At the little divided island
Nashawahkamuk (Chilmark): Between the land (common land for hunting)
Noepe (the island of Martha's Vineyard): Dry land
Nunnepog: A pond (body of unsalted water); literally means "when there is water there"
Paquahauke (near Sengekontacket Pond): Quohaug land
Sakunket (end of Long Cove, Tisbury Great Pond): Skunk place
Sanchiacantacket (Sengekontacket): Place where the brook flows into the river
Sequinauk (north of Sengekontacket): Early summer land (perhaps a summer village place)
Squibnocket: at the place of the red cliff or bank
Taakemmy (West Tisbury): Where he or she strikes it (corn processing place)
Tchepiaquidenet (Chappaquiddick): Place of separate island
Wampanoag: People of the First Light
Waskosim (North Road): New stone
Wawitukq (Menemsha Creek before being made into a channel): Winding, twisting river
Winnetukqet (Edgartown Great Pond): Place of good river