Natural Resources Department


Our Mission

It has been in the past and will continue to be in the future, the responsibility of the Native Peoples to oversee the environment in which we must all survive. It is inherent to our survival. It is the purpose of the Natural Resource Program of the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) to establish and maintain the capacity and capability to manage environmental programs on Tribal Lands, as well as beyond the boundaries of Tribal Lands.

Thank you to you Bluedot Living Martha's Vineyard for the amazing article about the history of our herring run and the ongoing efforts in restoring their population! See full article here.

The Herring Creek Camera is now live and streaming 24/7 for the duration of the spring migration. Our river herring (Alewife) mainly run after dark so night is often the best time to view them.

Highlights of footage captured over the years from the Aquinnah Herring monitoring program!