Contract Opportunities
The Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) practices Indian Preference in hiring and awarding of contracts.
Disaster Shelter Supervisor (Temporary Position – Pilot Project) (Posted 2/11/2025)
This position supports the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah)’s Emergency overnight Shelter and assists with coordination and planning in conjunction with the Aquinnah CERT Team. The Shelter Supervisor is an hourly paid position as needed (approximately 80 hours total per person per year) assigned to work in person in a Red Cross shelter before, during and/or after a disaster event. The Shelter Supervisor leads a team in a Red Cross shelter, and supervises workers assigned to specific shelter tasks and areas of the shelter operation. This is a contract position that pays $35 an hour for approximately 20 hours per month. For more detailed information click here.
Legal Contract
Provide legal services for the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) for 638 compact negotiations under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act with Department of Interior and Indian Health Services. Must have no less than 10 years Indian law experience, demonstrated understanding of tribal self-governance and have successfully negotiated these agreements for Tribes.
Are you a motivated, compassionate individual who loves giving back to our community? We are looking for Chore Service Workers to help our local elders with day-to-day errands. From light chores like dusting, cleaning, and laundry, to heavy chores including cutting grass, snow removal, and heavy lifting/moving, OUR ELDERS ARE IN NEED!! Contact Katie in the Social Services Department at 508-560-1773 or ssc@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov to get your contract started today. Our elders look forward to having you on board!
Contract position for a Tribal Member to perform stenographic duties for the WTGH(A) Tribal Council for FY2024. Must be able to transcribe minutes of the Tribal Council’s regular, special, emergency and general membership meetings, and create action lists from recordings. Download all recordings and provide said action lists and minutes in accordance with the timetables as outlined within the contract. Personally attend (or designate a qualified Tribal Member) to attend all Tribal Council (excluding executive sessions) and General Membership meetings to record the meeting and transcribe action lists during the meetings.The contractor shall be paid $25.00 to $35.00 per hour (based upon experience).
Please send letter of interest with resume or CV to chairwoman@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov.
Annual Contracting Opportunities
The Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) is seeking a pool of qualified contractors and companies to provide a wide variety of services to support the tribal administration buildings, lands and grants administered by the tribal programs. The Tribe routinely engages in one to two-year contracts, which allow the contractor to be contacted for bids or service. A rate sheet must be submitted to the Tribe, which includes the price schedule and rates of service. These rates are agreed upon for the term of the contract. Please also indicate on the submitted fee schedule or rate sheet if the company is available to complete work in accordance with the Davis Bacon Act. Proof of insurance is required for most contracts.
The following are some specific areas of service for which the Tribe is seeking professional assistance:
Nutritionist/Chef: The Tribe is currently seeking a person/persons to develop, execute, and manage a diabetes prevention food and activity program for the Wampanoag tribal members. This role/roles require experience with nutrition planning and education, program development, and management. In addition, this role requires expertise in appropriate food preparation commensurate with pre-approved diabetes prevention standards. The person/persons filling these roles must also be familiar with our indigenous practices and beliefs and be able to use this knowledge to engage and educate members. This person/persons must also have experience in teaching hands-on cooking lessons, encouraging movement, and developing and directing activities that increase awareness, community, and diabetes prevention outcomes for the tribe. For more information please email healthdirector@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Audio/Visual Production: The Tribe is seeking to hire a qualified A/V contractor to run the A/V portion of hybrid meetings. Please call 508-645-9265 x144 or officemanager@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Powwow & Event Coordinator: The Tribe is seeking to hire a Powwow coordinator to plan, organize and execute the annual Powwow and other Tribal events. Please call 508-645-9265 x101 or cos@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Writing and Editing Services including crafting articles for local, regional and national publications, assisting with writing projects as writer and/or editor when needed to document programs and projects, assisting with technical writing of environmental plans, researching histories, and telling the story. Please call 508-645-9265 x101 or cos@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Landscape & Snowplowing Services including mowing, seeding, chipping, hauling, tree removal, brush cutting, planting, snow plowing/snow cleanup and any related work. Please call 508-645-9265 x141 or isa@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
General Maintenance Services for Satellite Office including light carpentry, minor painting, lighting repairs/replacement, shoveling/clearing walkways, trash removal, routine checking of grounds, documenting and relaying any problems to Tribal Designee. Please contact officemanager@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Paving and Roadway Repair including roadway preparation, asphalt services, grading, hauling, heavy/small machinery work, line painting, renting or leasing road barriers, construction of road barriers ad any related work. Please call 508-645-9265 x141 or isa@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Roadway Maintenance including roadway repair, culvert and catch basin maintenance. Sectional repair of roadway, temporary and permanent continuity of roadway use during maintenance and emergencies. Please call 508-645-9265 x141 or isa@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Food Preparation include prices for onsite and drop-off food for meetings and events ranging from 5-100 people. Culinary instruction rates per hour and specialized cooking descriptions, such as for diabetes, restrictive diets, weight loss, wild game/foods or preparation, and healthy choices for special health conditions. Please call 508-645-9265 x101 or cos@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Transportation Seeking drivers for vans owned by the Tribe and livery transportation vans and bus options both on the island and on the mainland. Please call 508-645-9265 x141 or isa@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Boat and Engine Repair Maintenance and service to a variety of vehicles, vans, off-road vehicles, outboard engines, outdoor equipment, diesel and gas tractors. Please call 508-645-9265 x141 or isa@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
General Construction including repairs of existing buildings and structures, small to large scale projects. Home and building improvements including roofing, shingles, painting, window removal and installation, gutter system repair/installation, foundation repair, interior ruff, general and fine carpentry. Please call 508-645-9265 x141 or isa@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Licensed Plumbers and Electricians for work on Tribally owned facilities including maintenance, HVAC, plumbing, heating and air conditioning services, updating and rewiring/replumbing. Please call 508-645-9265 x141 or isa@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Painting Interior and exterior, cosmetic and repair for buildings, automotive or specialized projects. Please call 508-645-9265 x141 or isa@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Surveying and Engineering of lands and properties. Preparation of maps and data for Tribal programs and projects. Includes Tribal and non-Tribal properties. Preparation of data and maps for formal submissions. Please call 508-645-9265 x141 or isa@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Video Production/Editing: Capture of video for and photo-documenting of meetings and events, editing and creation of short video presentations for website or tribal program use. Specific terms apply to the taking and ownership of photographic or video documentation for or on behalf of the tribe. Please call 508-645-9265 x141 or isa@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Graphic Designer: Provide services relating to the artistic creation of Park Service-quality interpretive signs, artwork, and other designs as needed for publications, posters, and project-specific locations. Please call 508-645-9265 x141 or isa@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Cleaning Services: General and specialized cleaning of administrative offices and community areas. Emergency response to flooding, mold, or insurance claim damage. Please call 508-645-9265 x141 or isa@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Architects: The Tribe is seeking architects or firms to assist with building and planning related projects. Please call 508-645-9265 x141 or isa@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Cable installation: The Tribe is seeking requests for proposals to install Cat6 data cabling in the administration building and patch panel installation Please call 508-645-9265 x141 or isa@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Generator Installation: The Tribe is seeking requests for generator installation at two tribal properties. Please email isa@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov with inquiries.
Interior Designer: The Tribe is seeking qualified interior designers with expertise in layout, materials selection, furniture, and all installations for Tribal properties Please call 508-645-9265 x141 or isa@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
General Contractor: The Tribe is seeking qualified general contractors with expertise in overseeing construction projects for Tribal properties. Please call 508-645-9265 x141 or isa@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Website Design: Seeking proposals for a complete redesign of the Tribe’s website. For more information please call 508-645-9265 x101 or cos@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Rental Agent: The Tribe is seeking proposals for managing the tribe’s rental property. For more information, please call 508-645-9265 x141 or email isa@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Transcriptionists: Contract position to perform stenographic duties for the Tribe through the end of the Fiscal Year (Oct 1 - Sept 30). Must be able to transcribe minutes for the Membership, Education, Constitution/Election, and Health Committees via recordings. You do not have to personally attend committee meetings. The contractor shall be paid $25.00-$35.00 per hour. (based upon experience) Please send letter of interest and resume/CV to Chief of Staff at cos@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Walk leader: The tribe is seeking a contractor to lead the walking group. Tasks include, but not limited to: organizing walks, providing reading materials, reporting data to the Tribe’s nurse, and following up communication with group members. Requirements: CPR certified and be able to manage emergencies. Please send your resume to Chief of Staff at cos@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Safety Plan: The tribe is seeking a qualified individual or firm to develop a strategic tribal transportation safety plan that will meet or exceed U. S. DOT Federal Highway Administration standards. Please contact Bret Stearns, at 508-645-9265 x141 or email isa@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
WHS Specialized Administrative Support: The tribe is seeking a qualified individual to review and analyze the Health Program, review budgets and other financials, review strategic plan & other duties. Must have experience working with Self Governance Tribes. Please call the Chief of Staff 508-645-9265 x101 or email cos@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov for more information.
Policy & Procedure Anaylist: The tribe is seeking a qualified individual or firm to review and update various Tribal policies and procedures, including personnel, financial, law enforcement, etc. Must have experience working with Self Governance Tribes. Please call the Cheif of Staff 508-645-9265 x101 or email cos@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov for more information.
105(l) Lease & Indirect cost expert: The tribe is seeking a qualified individual or firm to develop and assist in 105(l) lease proposal and assist in negotiating an indirect cost proposal. Please contact Kevine Devine, acting chief of staff at 508-645-9265 x101 or email cos@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov for more information.
HVAC- The tribe is seeking a qualified contractor to install an HVAC system in the Community Center. Please contact Bret Stearns, at 508-645-9265 x141 or email isa@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Christiantown Chapel Rehabilitation- The tribe is seeking a qualified contractor to rehabilitate the Christiantown Chapel in West Tisbury. Please contact Bettina Washington - phone 508-645-9265 x175 email- thpo@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
The Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head Aquinnah Practices Tribal and Indian Preference in Hiring.
The Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) Education Department is looking for a qualified teacher to tutor tribal students in grades 2 through 12 for a contracted part-time position. After- school tutorial support is needed between the hours of 2:15 and 6pm weekday afternoons. Please call or email Personnel or the Chief of Staff for more information and application: personnel@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov 508-645-9265 x106 or cos@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov 508-645-9265 x101
Tutor for tribal students
Contact: officemanager@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov or 508-645-9265 x144
Submission packages for the following opportunities are available by contacting the Planning Department directly. Please call for questions and deadlines.
REQUEST FOR BIDS PLN2019-06 – Road Maintenance Services
The Department is seeking qualified & experienced landscape and roadway contractors for various maintenance activities necessary to keep the tribe’s transportation system in good order. Activities may include but are not limited to: brush & tree clearing, asphalt repair, loam & seeding, road sweeping, catch-basin cleaning, line painting, etc. Submissions due June 17th, or until filled.
Planning Department
Natural Resources Department
The Natural Resources Department wants to update or create a contract with you!!
Throughout the year, the NRD has projects in a variety of areas such as landscaping, boat and engine repair, hauling, electrical, construction, plumbing work, video production, video editing and even professional writing and editing. If you or your company desires to have a contract rate on file with the department, it allows us to get quick bids for smaller projects that need to be completed. If you have a skill or certification for service, we want to know.
Please contact Bret Stearns for further information. If you already have a contract on file, it is likely expired, and we will be contacting you for renewal.
Volunteer/Intern Opportunity for Shorebird Monitoring
The Natural Resources Department is looking for volunteers and/or interns to monitor the presence of and minimize disturbance to state and federally listed coastal nesting birds (defined here as Piping Plovers, Least and Common Terns) along approximately 7,000 linear feet of Lobsterville Beach. The tasks involved in this work may include the following according to state and federal guidelines:
Regular monitoring and management, including symbolic fencing and signage to protect nests and scrapes, as needed, on all sites based on presence of potential nesting habitat and/or presence of birds, as determined by MA NHESP.
Pre- and/or during nourishment monitoring for the presence of nesting birds IF operations are taking place on or after April 1.
Post-nourishment monitoring to determine the presence of nesting birds on all sites nourished at the start of this agreement.
Field assistance with landscaping, Invasive species removal, Wildlife management and Environmental program monitoring.
Training will be provided and a stipend may be available. To apply, please contact the Natural Resources Department. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
Herring Fishery Restoration Analyst
The Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) is looking to contract up to two (2) Fisheries Analysts to assist with ongoing research to restore aquatic culturally significant populations within the Menemsha Pond Complex in Aquinnah, MA. The goal of this project is to implement management strategies to restore the local herring fishery through research and on-site targeted solutions.
The contractor(s) will be responsible for the continuation of research in evaluating population dynamics, habitat, and the restoration of aquatic Tribal Trust species, specifically Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) and predator species such as Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis). This position will be active throughout the 2025 calendar year. The contractor shall be paid $15 to $20 per hour (based upon experience) for up to approximately 30 hours per month.
Individual(s) will perform a variety of aquatic management activities based around data analysis that comply with Tribal grants and management plans designed to maintain and enhance aquatic and sustenance resource managed by the Natural Resources Department. Prior experience utilizing statistical analytical tools and programing languages, such as R or Python, are preferred. The Contractor(s) will work directly with the Natural Resources Department staff and may operate remotely to conduct data analyses. Work may also include on-site aid with field research (in season) which includes the implementation of ongoing data collection programs. Program research, documentation, and findings as it pertains to the fishery, environment, and potential restoration will be compiled for the purposes of presentation to the tribal community and grant reporting.
To apply for this position, please provide your resume and letter of interest to isa@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov . Requests for additional information can be directed to Andrew Jacobs, Laboratory Manager, Wampanoag Natural Resources Department at (508) 645-2903, labmgr@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov.
Salary Range: $42,472 - $68,000
Wampanoag Aquinnah Tribe is seeking a qualified, Social Worker who will work with Tribal Citizens, managing Child/Elder abuse cases.
Will be responsible for case management, and investigation of Child/Elder Abuse cases.
Knowledge of Case Management, ICWA, Substance Abuse and community resources a must.
Duties will include facilitating and monitoring child placement, successful candidate will possess strong collaboration and interpersonal skills, who can work with families, DCF and outside agencies. Please call Personnel or the Chief of Staff for further information. personnel@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov, 508-645-9265 x106 or cos@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov, 508-645-9265 x101
Education Department Assistant
The Tribe is seeking an assistant to assist the Education Department with various administrative tasks. This position assists the department with scheduling activities such as tutoring, ordering supplies for all youth programs. The assistant is responsible for maintaining the Education Department filing system and record upkeep and also responds to requests and inquiries for Higher Education scholarships and Adult Vocational Training awards. Please call Personnel or the Chief of Staff for further information. personnel@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov, 508-645-9265 x106 or cos@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov, 508-645-9265 x101