ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION | EMERGENCY RESPONSE | CONTACT | Past Projects Report A Harvest Name * First Name Last Name Email * Date of Harvest * Town of Harvest * Animal Type * Whitetail Deer Pheasant Turkey Wildlife Management Zone (WMZ) of harvest? * Zone 12 Zone 13 Zone 14 What hunting equipment did you use to harvest the deer? * Bow and Arrow Crossbow MuzzleLoader Shotgun Number of antler points (1 inch or greater) on the right side? * Number of antler points (1 inch or greater) on the left side? * Including this deer, how many deer have you harvested so far this year in Massachusetts? * What type of land did you harvest the deer on? * Public Property Private Property Unknown Special Hunt (include details in additional comments) If available, what is the fully gutted weight (in pounds) of the deer? * Did you weigh the deer on a scale or estimate the weight? * Scale Estimate Please list any additional comments Submitted. Thank you!