Indian Child Welfare Program (ICWA)
The Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (ICWA) is an important piece of Indian Legislation that gives a child’s Tribe the right to intervene in the legal matters and have a say in the outcome of their children who are in the custody of a state child welfare system. The Law speaks to out-of-home preferred placement with Tribal Family and having the State held to a higher burden of proof throughout the case.
The Child Welfare Program will become involved whenever we are notified (by the State, the Parent or family member) of state child welfare involvement. We will work with the family to establish supports for the safety of the children. We will work with the state to provide appropriate services and supports and work together within the new ICWA regulations.
Provide education of the ICWA to the Tribal Community as well as the state and the courts.
Provide Services and Supports to Tribal Families involved in state child welfare systems
Works to keep Aquinnah Wampanoag Children connected to their culture and their Tribe.
Works with the states to monitor and strengthen compliance with the ICWA
Works to recruit Tribal Foster Homes.