Beachgrass 7.7.16_3.JPG


April13, 2024
Lobsterville Beach
Aquinnah, MA 02535

The project

The event in which you are helping with was created in order to plant beach grass and cedar shims for dune stabilization in an area of approximately 500 feet long, for a total of 10,000 square feet of beach area along Lobsterville Road.


Beckie Finn
(508) 560-6168

drone - west to east low view.jpg

why we need your help

You are a big part of a very important environmental, ecological, and cultural rebuilding! The dunes along Lobsterville protect Tribal lands referred to as β€œthe Common Lands,” which host some of the few naturally occurring cranberry bogs in the state as well as a host of endangered or threatened plant species. This fragile environment needs the buffer from the salt water to protect the balance of water, soil, and salinity.

making a difference

The goal of this project is to prevent further dune loss and increase the area in which sand will be able to collect to restore the beach, and to foster a sense of community pride in protecting out natural and cultural resources.

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